10 Reasons The Metaverse Will Soon Rule The Everyday World Everywhere!

Soham Kamble
8 min readJul 5, 2022


What is the Metaverse?

In science fiction and futuristic literature, the metaverse is a fictitious version of the Internet that is a single, all-encompassing virtual environment made possible by the usage of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) headsets.

The utilization of cutting-edge cameras, excellent screens, immersive sound speakers, noise-canceling microphones, and several other sensors to detect both the real world and the virtual world that a person would be experiencing is necessary for the Metaverse to work.

Neal Stephenson first proposed and discussed the concept of the Metaverse in his science fiction book Snow Crash in 1992.

The Oculus Meta Quest 2 is one of the more well-known headsets for accessing the Metaverse today, and it was shockingly created by the same guys that created Facebook.

The pricing runs about the same as the average gaming console, at $300.

Expansion of the Gamer’s World

With the advent of MMORPGs, gamers are already accustomed to existing in virtual worlds and communities.

A video game that combines elements of a role-playing video game with a massively multiplayer online game is referred to as an MMORPG.

They are already accustomed to developing and maintaining separate lives for fictional characters or avatars in a virtual world that they occasionally utilise as a means of escaping from reality. Gamers are accustomed to spending thousands of dollars on fictitious homes, clothing, and accessories. And since the typical gamer is starting to be more of an adult than merely a child, a lot of adult content is anticipated to be offered to meet their requirements.

It’s unfortunate that we haven’t decided on a single device to use to access the Metaverse yet, so until someone dominates the market as Apple or Microsoft did with computers, expect there will be many different, specialized versions of it. as a search engine, Google.

As the number of sensors grows, gamers may have access to even more functionality. Let’s only hope they can continue to lead regular lives away from the television. In this sense, if people start to favor the smaller and more portable virtual reality screens, we can witness a decline in the cost and value of television screens.

Just try to picture what it would be like to visit a virtual reality movie theatre. Imagine playing your favorite anime character and killing demons. Even though this will probably take years to code and develop, we are still a long way off. We are still awaiting Apple and Google to comment on the trend of virtual reality. Compatibility with our phones and regular notifications would be a greatly sought feature, in my opinion.

There is virtual real estate, known as luminal spaces, just like there is in the physical world. These venues require cryptocurrency to be rented out or purchased. This reminds me of Playstation Home, the virtual reality gaming environment that was first made available on the Sony Playstation 3 console. Gamers had access to this area where they could shop, go to events, and socialize with other players. You could buy one of their “homes” and furnish it with interactive accessories before inviting friends over to chat, listen to music, and party. There was a fair amount of advertising included, so let’s call it game advertising. I’m sure IT companies would love to capitalize on this valuable real estate.

Increase in Fitness and Health Knowledge

Would it interest you to know that, when additional health goods are added to the mix, this may address any holes currently present in the healthcare industry? Future VR equipment might contain smart device sensors like heart-rate monitors. People can combine their fitness activities in the virtual reality mode, which not only allows us to track healthcare a little more frequently. It’s currently common for individuals to use virtual reality equipment while working out, so it won’t be long before gym equipment becomes compatible. Imagine if virtual medical sessions, which many healthcare providers have incorporated since the coronavirus, were expanded to be available on the Oculus. People’s medical requirements would be satisfied.

Sports like basketball and golf can currently be played with VR technology. Why not add a couple more? Can you picture coming to a football game where the entire game is played with VR equipment? With all the character and avatar customization, there would be no way to tell if that is the person or not. We should be able to create unique character models that resemble the target sports player in real life with the high-definition technology we already possess. Is anyone willing to pay for this service? Would the costs be equivalent? I am confident that this would fundamentally alter the sports sector and allow everyone accesses to front-row seats.

A More Immersive Educational Platform

The online education community can benefit from this platform just like the healthcare sector can. Think about attending college through virtual reality. That would be incredible, no? Tutoring students online is comparable. To help the user focus on learning with the instructor, the virtual reality area can be designed to resemble either a home or a school. When it is time for the user’s scheduled event, whether it be a tutoring session or a classroom session, notifications may appear on the headset. If schools and universities are sluggish to adopt, there is still the option to add a virtual computer screen for web browsing. Who would be the first to earn a degree online in this virtual reality space?

Another Reason For People to Practice Social Distancing

Social isolation need not end just once the Corona Virus is gone. This has been identified by the healthcare sector as the most secure method of preventing the spread of infections. This suggests that we might have a much healthier civilization, hence expanding the lifespan of the entire human species.

By avoiding regular human contact, we can not only prevent infections but also the likelihood of riots and unfavorable social interactions. If you’re just taking in the world from your home, you’re less likely to be involved in a mass shooting. Imagine experiencing the world through a close-up, first-person camera without actually being there. We could visit the animals in the wild from a safe distance or fly through the air with our go-pros attached to the remote control.

The Reintroduction to Online Dating

Online dating involves engaging with other people, just like any other kind of online gaming. Although you are unable to observe the person’s appearance in person, many people continue to use this practice. They fall in love with the individual’s personality. In the near future, dating might take the shape of playing video games together.

A matchmaking game might link you with someone based on shared social trends and data from machine learning.

A Fun Way to Network and Fulfill Our Social Needs

We are all social creatures, let’s face it. When we have friends to enjoy life with, we gain and live longer. And the meet averse is a place where we may interact with people who are different from us without fear of being bullied.

Imagine engaging in first-person Sims play while actually residing in the house with your non-playable characters. Although I’m sure that coding all of those animations would take some time, we could make it work. I hope nobody passes out or has a seizure. It immerses you in a narrative journey at Six Flags in California, where a virtual reality roller coaster has already been installed. In the future, more of these might be created.

A Brand New Place of Work

We’ll need to have virtual employment to support ourselves if we’re going to make this a reality and increase the amount of time we spend communicating online. I anticipate the introduction of positions akin to those in the video game business. Simply put, I’m unsure of the legality of paying someone in cryptocurrencies. That’d be strange. Would the disparity in fair wages be finally closed if we were all paid at the same rate regardless of where we lived?

The scientific community and the healthcare sector, in my opinion, would adore having access to this technology. They may hold virtual reality meetings online. They can use screen-sharing to deliver their keynotes, much like in schooling. An object can be modified inside the virtual environment before being sent out to be 3D printed in the actual world.

A Source of Data for Artificial Intelligence and Metaverse

A lot of information and activity about how we connect with one another is collected and used to further artificial intelligence and machine learning, as I’m sure it does with everything that touches the internet these days.

In this approach, we could gather far more precise information about how people behave. In Neuroscience, they were already attempting to understand the human mind by attaching electrodes to the brain and observing the activity. If the experiment’s ethical component succeeds, we could connect those same electrodes to our VR equipment and navigate the virtual environment using only our thoughts. However, it would take several years for such an experiment to be successful.

A Great Place to Earn and Spend our Cryptocurrency

I can already picture billions of bitcoin being traded on this online marketplace between individuals and businesses. Within this area, people will be managing and operating businesses. Additionally, the consumer would be enormous because it would be online. Could this be the key to putting an end to all wars and greed? People can make as much money as they wish while enjoying themselves in the process. Everything becoming virtual provides a respite from the demands of global warming and our rapid use of natural resources.

A Safe Place To Keep Our Brains Active

It won’t have any impact on other people in real life if we keep ourselves secure inside the virtual world and, if we so choose, go on a murdering rampage there. With VR touch sensors, we may have virtual pets like pet dragons that would feel lifelike to pets. The human brain can grow since imagination is limitless. The live broadcast using our cameras linked to the metaverse to give you the impression that you are there is what I’m most looking forward to.

That’s the end of this blog. Give it a clap if you really enjoyed it.

Happy Reading..!!

